Your. Journey. Awaits.
Lifestyle guidance for bariatric surgery

“Two roads diverged in a wood and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.”
—Robert Frost, Poet
Your weight loss journey diverges in two directions and the choice before you is to either continue as you have, or choose the road less traveled - bariatric surgery.
This one pivotal decision has the power to make all the difference in your journey to health and wellness. Even once you are on the pathway to surgery, adapting to so many new changes can feel pretty daunting without the guidance of trusted professionals.
Maybe you’re still prepping for the big day. Excited and a little anxious about whether you’ve got everything in order, but SO ready to get the weight off already.
Maybe you’ve just had surgery and are going through the early adjustment phase, still laser-focused on following your surgeon’s instructions.
Maybe you’re a ways out from surgery and feel lost on how to maintain the weight loss, or got off track and need guidance to get back on course again.
Wherever you are on your journey - you are not alone. We’ll walk this path together.

A Whole Person Approach
The Jolley Dietitian’s purpose is to support the unique needs of bariatric surgery patients, understanding that surgery affects the whole person - body and mind.
Learn more about how individual and group lifestyle counseling and my other support resources can help you to live at your fullest potential after bariatric surgery.

To My Surgeon Colleagues
You’ve given your patients the most powerful tool available to help them control their weight, but you know it’s still not going to be enough.
Working together, we can enhance their surgery success, and in turn, yours.

12 Months
Average window of time to maximize your weight loss after surgery

My thoughts, experiences, and nuggets of knowledge on all things bariatric.

Stay Connected
Follow me @jolleydietitian for my latest bariatric food and lifestyle tips.
Patient Portal
Returning patients: login to your patient portal account either via web or by downloading the app to your mobile device.
After getting started by booking a FREE discovery call, you will be invited to activate your patient account via Practice Better. I am pleased to offer patients a completely virtual health experience with easy, secure access to the following features:
Join your video-based appointments
Request, reschedule, or cancel appointments
Review summaries of your nutrition sessions
Direct, confidential messaging with Sukwan
Upload files, photos, or other media you want to share with Sukwan
Participate in subscription services including self-guided education modules